The meaning of engravings on the Sadhu Board

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The meaning of engravings on the Sadhu Board

Safe and comfortable nails without length error for beginners and experienced practitioners in stock and on order with delivery in Ukraine and worldwide.

Images are a special kind of communication with the outside world. When choosing a picture for a sadhu board, a person often does not realize the meaning of the chosen option. However, symbols can help practitioners to give meaning to nailing, to get the maximum possible spiritual energy. They can bring concentration, energy, and happiness or simply become an incentive to start practicing.
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Images are a special kind of communication with the outside world. When choosing a picture for a sadhu board, a person often does not realize the meaning of the chosen option. However, symbols can help practitioners to give meaning to nailing, to get the maximum possible spiritual energy. They can bring concentration, energy, and happiness or simply become an incentive to start practicing.
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We have compiled for you an overview of the meanings of the most popular images on our Sadhu Boards

We have compiled for you an overview of the meanings of the most popular images on our Sadhu Boards


The meaning of the symbol warrior:
overcoming difficulties;
moral growth;
military spirit;
honor and valor, etc.
The warrior strives to improve the world and himself. Suitable for demanding people, brave and noble. Hot blood flows in their veins, they can be indifferent.
Intelligence, courage and prudence, the ability to direct rage and aggression in the right direction.
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The meaning of the symbol warrior:
overcoming difficulties;
moral growth;
military spirit;
honor and valor, etc.
The warrior strives to improve the world and himself. Suitable for demanding people, brave and noble. Hot blood flows in their veins, they can be indifferent.
Intelligence, courage and prudence, the ability to direct rage and aggression in the right direction.
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The lion generally represents the heat, brilliance, and power of the midday sun, the principle of fire, splendor, strength and courage, steadfastness, justice, law, military might, and the King of Beasts. On the other hand, the lion symbolizes cruelty, ferocity, bestial lifestyle.

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The lion generally represents the heat, brilliance, and power of the midday sun, the principle of fire, splendor, strength and courage, steadfastness, justice, law, military might, and the King of Beasts. On the other hand, the lion symbolizes cruelty, ferocity, bestial lifestyle.

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Dragon means wisdom, life and light. In ancient times, the creature was the keeper of jewels, later it was considered the patron saint of fertility.
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Dragon means wisdom, life and light. In ancient times, the creature was the keeper of jewels, later it was considered the patron saint of fertility.
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This sign is considered a powerful amulet that protects its bearer from the evil eye and from the unfriendly intentions of other people. It is believed that someone else's negativity can cause serious and prolonged illnesses, life failures.
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This sign is considered a powerful amulet that protects its bearer from the evil eye and from the unfriendly intentions of other people. It is believed that someone else's negativity can cause serious and prolonged illnesses, life failures.
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Metatron cubes

Looking at the image, you can see that it consists of 13 spheres connected by lines running from the center of each sphere. These spheres are "woman" and the lines represent "man". Sages claim that it has the exact formula to decipher the creation, harmony, balance and order of the universe.
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Metatron cubes

Looking at the image, you can see that it consists of 13 spheres connected by lines running from the center of each sphere. These spheres are "woman" and the lines represent "man". Sages claim that it has the exact formula to decipher the creation, harmony, balance and order of the universe.
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The Yin-Yang symbol represents the universe consisting of two opposites, Yin and Yang, which form a whole only in a single combination. Two points in the symbol mean that each of the two energies at the highest level of its realization already contains the grain of its opposite and is ready to transform into it.
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The Yin-Yang symbol represents the universe consisting of two opposites, Yin and Yang, which form a whole only in a single combination. Two points in the symbol mean that each of the two energies at the highest level of its realization already contains the grain of its opposite and is ready to transform into it.
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The mountain is a majestic natural symbol of eternity, superiority, permanence, purity, harmony, direction and spiritual elevation. In all ages, people have looked with admiration and awe at the snow-capped peaks of mountains that rose above the clouds and pierced the heavens.
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The mountain is a majestic natural symbol of eternity, superiority, permanence, purity, harmony, direction and spiritual elevation. In all ages, people have looked with admiration and awe at the snow-capped peaks of mountains that rose above the clouds and pierced the heavens.
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The symbol Om means sacred sound, which is also called the word of power, the original mantra. The spiritual sciences of India say that God created the sound, from the vibrations of which the world and everything in it came into being. That is, matter itself and the existence of all living things come from the sacred sound "Om". The teachings say that "Om" is God himself in the form of sound.
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The symbol Om means sacred sound, which is also called the word of power, the original mantra. The spiritual sciences of India say that God created the sound, from the vibrations of which the world and everything in it came into being. That is, matter itself and the existence of all living things come from the sacred sound "Om". The teachings say that "Om" is God himself in the form of sound.
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The lotus is a widespread and meaningful symbol in Chinese, Japanese, Indian and Egyptian traditions. It is an image of the origin of the world, productive power, and unfolding of being, it acts as a symbol of rebirth, beauty, life, happiness, purity, and spirituality.
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The lotus is a widespread and meaningful symbol in Chinese, Japanese, Indian and Egyptian traditions. It is an image of the origin of the world, productive power, and unfolding of being, it acts as a symbol of rebirth, beauty, life, happiness, purity, and spirituality.
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The owl is an ambivalent symbol. It is a bird of wisdom, but also of darkness and death. Being an attribute of the goddess Athena, the owl symbolizes wisdom, and knowledge. Owls have the ability to see at night, to see everything around them without moving, but only turning their heads, they have a wise penetrating look.
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The owl is an ambivalent symbol. It is a bird of wisdom, but also of darkness and death. Being an attribute of the goddess Athena, the owl symbolizes wisdom and knowledge. Owls have the ability to see at night, to see everything around them without moving, but only turning their heads, they have a wise penetrating look.
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The symbolism of fish is closely connected with the symbolism of water, the water element. In a variety of mythologies, water is the original, initial state of all things, the source of life. Therefore, fish that live freely in the water, in the primordial ocean, are endowed with demiurgic power, and in a number of myths are the ancestors of people. Water is also associated with the unconscious, in the depths of the water, there is hidden knowledge that is difficult (or impossible) for a person to obtain, but which is available to fish.
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The symbolism of fish is closely connected with the symbolism of water, the water element. In a variety of mythologies, water is the original, initial state of all things, the source of life. Therefore, fish that live freely in the water, in the primordial ocean, are endowed with demiurgic power, and in a number of myths are the ancestors of people. Water is also associated with the unconscious, in the depths of the water, there is hidden knowledge that is difficult (or impossible) for a person to obtain, but which is available to fish.
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This means to struggle and internal confrontation. Invincibility is a powerful force that every person is capable of if he wants. It means youth and strength, fair victory.
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This means to struggle and internal confrontation. Invincibility is a powerful force that every person is capable of if he wants. It means youth and strength, fair victory.
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A mandala is a complex geometric structure that symbolizes the world order, that is, in fact, it is nothing more than a model of the Universe. This symbol came to the world from Eastern religious practices (Buddhism, Hinduism), where it was a sacred image of the world of deities. The word itself in Sanskrit means "circle", "disc", and "center".
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A mandala is a complex geometric structure that symbolizes the world order, that is, in fact, it is nothing more than a model of the Universe. This symbol came to the world from Eastern religious practices (Buddhism, Hinduism), where it was a sacred image of the world of deities. The word itself in Sanskrit means "circle", "disc", and "center".
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Often the meaning of minimalism is mistakenly simplified, interpreting the phrase "less is more" as "the less, the simpler".
However, behind the external severity of straight lines and restrained colors is hidden a complex system of maintaining harmony.
Minimalism means complexity and perfection through simplicity. It illustrates calmness, balance, and stability.
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Often the meaning of minimalism is mistakenly simplified, interpreting the phrase "less is more" as "the less, the simpler".
However, behind the external severity of straight lines and restrained colors is hidden a complex system of maintaining harmony.
Minimalism means complexity and perfection through simplicity. It illustrates calmness, balance, and stability.
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Parade of planets

Outer space has always attracted people with its unknown. Probably that is why the design "Parade of planets" is chosen for themselves by dreamy, romantic natures, inclined to see in things more than ordinary people. Design means eternity, stability, and help from the Universe to man to achieve his goals.
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Parade of planets

Outer space has always attracted people with its unknown. Probably that is why the design "Parade of planets" is chosen for themselves by dreamy, romantic natures, inclined to see in things more than ordinary people. Design means eternity, stability, and help from the Universe to man achieve his goals.
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Seven main chakras run along the spine from the navel to the crown of the head. By activating the chakras, a person can put his inner world in order. Each energy center has chakra symbols that represent its unique qualities and energies. Chakra symbols are sacred and have a spiritual meaning. Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning "wheel" which refers to the physical or spiritual energy in the human body. When the life force energy moves freely through the body, the chakras rotate and can help a person achieve a state of pure consciousness.
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Seven main chakras run along the spine from the navel to the crown of the head. By activating the chakras, a person can put his inner world in order. Each energy center has chakra symbols that represent its unique qualities and energies. Chakra symbols are sacred and have a spiritual meaning. Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning "wheel" which refers to the physical or spiritual energy in the human body. When the life force energy moves freely through the body, the chakras rotate and can help a person achieve a state of pure consciousness.
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God Ganesha

Ganesha is the God of Wisdom, Prosperity, and the removal of obstacles. Ganesha or Ganapati (Sanskrit: गणेश; Gaṇeśa) is a god especially revered in India. As a patron in business, he grants wealth and prosperity to those who serve him, removing obstacles in his way.
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God Ganesha

Ganesha is the God of Wisdom, Prosperity, and the removal of obstacles. Ganesha or Ganapati (Sanskrit: गणेश; Gaṇeśa) is a god especially revered in India. As a patron in business, he grants wealth and prosperity to those who serve him, removing obstacles in his way.
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Tree of Life

The Tree of Life is a figurative model of the harmonious combination of the Universe and man, which marks the three foundations of the world. Yav is the visible and manifest world, Nav is the spiritual world, which is the personification of the otherworldly world of ancestors, and Prav is the world of rules and laws, customs and rituals by which we live. The trunk of the World Tree symbolizes the earthly existence of people, and its lush crown is the place of life of the gods.
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Tree of Life

The Tree of Life is a figurative model of the harmonious combination of the Universe and man, which marks the three foundations of the world. Yav is the visible and manifest world, Nav is the spiritual world, which is the personification of the otherworldly world of ancestors, and Prav is the world of rules and laws, customs and rituals by which we live. The trunk of the World Tree symbolizes the earthly existence of people, and its lush crown is the place of life of the gods.
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How to care for the Sadhu Board?

Information on the care of Sadhu Boards is often overlooked when buying a product. But sooner or later this issue will become relevant. In this article, you will find step-by-step instructions for maintaining the Sadhu board with photos and videos. You will learn why the product should not be wet, whether it is necessary to disinfect the nails, and how to properly dry, ventilate and store the boards. Tips will be useful not only for beginners but also for experienced practitioners.
How to care for the Sadhu Board?
Information on the care of Sadhu Boards is often overlooked when buying a product. But sooner or later this issue will become relevant. In this article, you will find step-by-step instructions for maintaining the Sadhu board with photos and videos. You will learn why the product should not be wet, whether it is necessary to disinfect the nails, and how to properly dry, ventilate and store the boards. Tips will be useful not only for beginners but also for experienced practitioners.

How long does it take to choose a board from the catalog? You can make your best board from parts in a few minutes!

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How long does it take to choose a board from the catalog? You can make your best board from parts in a few minutes!
Assemble your unique Sadhu Board and receive Rod's author meditation as a gift!